Last night, my roommate and I saw Eddie Izzard perform at the TD Banknorth Garden. Eddie wore a gorgeous tailcoat, similar (if not the same) to the one he wore two years ago when he toured. He paired the tailcoat with a pair of fantastic jeans that looked great on him but would probably look even better in a pile on the floor, if you know what I mean. If you haven't heard of Eddie Izzard, you need to look him up. Even when his jokes mildly offended me, I laughed. And of course I laughed especially hard when his jokes didn't offend me at all. He is wonderful.
I wore my new bow-tie to Eddie Izzard's show. Bow-ties, when worn correctly, are not at all pompous and awkward, as many people believe them to be. Bow-ties can accentuate wonderful decolletage and work to add flair to an assortment of outfits. In fact, my bow-tie is my new favorite accessory!

P.S. If anyone knows where I can purchase a divine tailcoat with a red lining similar to Eddie Izzard's, please, let me know.
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