Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's in a name?

Long before every Katie, Kathy and Kaitlyn (with all their variant spellings) in the world opted to go by Kate (generally this happened their freshmen year of college) I proudly bore the name. I've always liked my name, and just as you feel a swell of affection for people you see on the train reading a book you love, I feel an affinity with most people named Kate. Unless, of course, they turn out to be a total psycho in which case there's a good chance they used to be called Katie or Kathy or Kaitlyn.

I was just talking with a friend online who asked, "Have you ever looked up your name in urbandictionary.com? mine has several definitions but the one I like is "to pull a christa is to do something stupid and still look great while doing it." (Just FYI: though Christa does in fact always look great, she rarely does anything stupid.)

Of course I'd never looked up my name in the Urban Dictionary, a site I generally stay away from seeing as the layout is ugly and I've always associated it with the lowest forms of vulgar expression. Regardless, Christa is the dearest of friends so I proceeded to look up my name and was pleasently surprised to find that all the definitions for Kate are completely true! My three favorites are:

1. A girl's name for the coolest person you will ever meet.

1. One syllable of pure ecstacy. In ancient times, uttering 'Kate' would often cause massive public orgies.
2. Used to compliment someone on their ridiculous good-looks.
3. Indicative of high fashion sense.

3. One of the best friends you will ever meet. Kate is hilarious. She is completely random and will say whatever is on her mind whenever she wants. She doesn't care what you have to say about her, she'll just brush it away and go on with her life. She will always listen to what you have to say and always help you out no matter what is going on. Even if she hasn't gone through what you're experiencing, she will still give her best advice. Kate is by far the best girl you can ever become friends with.

And that, dear readers, is the complete truth written from the fingers of the Urban Dictionary gods!

Now I'm curious, what does Urban Dictionary say about YOUR name?

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